Zoology, Part 2: Plants, Animals and their Cells

The second lesson for our zoology studies begins the study of classification. Older students can learn about the role that prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells take in the classification system, however younger students can learn about the five different kingdoms: (links to activities below)
The youngest of students need only to learn the differences between plants and animals, such as the fact that plants make their own food using water, air and sunshine, whereas animals must eat plants or animals or both.
After you finish the lesson, you can check understanding by asking a few questions, gearing the wording to the question depending on the student's ability.
Now, have your students pick another animal to study. As before, have them organize the information they learn to make a sign for the animal's cage. They then need to research the habitat needed for this animal. What other animals live in this type of habitat? This might lead to the next animal study.
related posts:
- Interact Simulations: Zooland, Grades 2–5
- Exploring Creation with Biology, Jay Wile
- Exploring Creation with Zoology series, Jeannie Fulbright