Eggs, Eggs, Everywhere, part four: Where Are Eggs Laid?

My students and I drew a nice scene with a tree and a pond, a little field and a small cliff on our white board. 
Lots of places to find eggs. 
We looked at the animals we had put on our chart in terms of where they lay their eggs.
Then we put our egg-layers in our little scene. We had to think about the eggs and why different places would suit different animals and different eggs in order to figure out where they went. Some eggs went underground, some in trees,  others on cliffs, some in water and others beside the water. Some animals, we discovered, can go in more than one place. We noticed that the different classes tended to lay their eggs together, but not always.
The boys added more details to the scene as we went along.
We also talked about camouflage and how the eggs could be hidden from predators.

GEMS: Eggs Eggs Everywhere
4 Activities
84 pages

This unit introduces children to the wonders of eggs and develops developmentally-appropriate concepts in biology and life science. Activities combine literature, role-playing, drama, and art with observation of eggs, as children learn about the diversity of animals that come from eggs. They use small plastic animals for sorting, classifying, and graphing activities. Students also explore the movement of plastic eggs and other objects on flat and inclined surfaces. These activities are noteworthy for interweaving literature, mathematics, and the physical sciences with life science.

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