The Norman Conquest and The Bayeux Tapestry (1066)
The Norman Conquest
The Normans were descendants of the Vikings who had settled in Normandy during the 900's. In 1066 William sailed to England and fought King Harold at Hastings.
The Normans were victorious and Harold was killed in battle.
We also talked about how Harold had previously, when he was just a young prince, shipwrecked on the shores of Normandy, and was found a brought before William. Before William would
let Harold go he made him swear an oath that he would give the Kingship of England to him
and so Harold did and William let him go. But when the time came for Harold to become king he did not give the throne to William because Harold said that he had been tricked into giving the oath, and so it was not binding. William countered that an oath was an oath and came to England to get his rightful throne. And so he did, at the Battle of Hastings.
"As the air fills with arrows and lances, men lie dying. The English soldiers, who are all on foot, protect themselves with a wall of shields. The Normans attack from both sides." -Britian's Bayeaux Tapestry
We also looked at Bayeux Tapestry, which is quite fascinating as it tells the whole tale of William the Conqueror, as he was later called. It is over 70 meters long.
We talked about why tapestries were important in the Middle Ages, and then I decided to give them an opportunity to do a little embroidery themselves.
I copied a scene from the Bayeux Tapestry onto some cotton cloth.
I pretty much let them make their own discoveries and decisions about what colors to use, etc.
I was surprised at their attention to it and their enjoyment of this project. 
Not quite finished, but getting there.
We talked about why tapestries were important in the Middle Ages, and then I decided to give them an opportunity to do a little embroidery themselves.
To see the English Monarchs Family Tree from William I, the Conqueror, click here.