Frog Pond Math Game

In this game you want to be the last frog to hop out of the pond. We got our board out of this book but you can make your own game board with 10 spaces just on a piece of paper. Just circles would be fine, or you could use frog stickers or draw them yourself. Fill the board with counters. We used gummy frogs just for fun. Taking turns, each player is allowed to take either one or two frogs out of the pond, whichever they choose. Can you be the last frog to hop out of the pond? This game builds thinking skills as well as mathematics awareness.

  • GEMS: Frog Math: Predict, Ponder, Play
    6 Sessions
    112 pages

    In an artful interweaving of mathematics and literature, these activities jump off from one of the well-known “Frog and Toad” stories, “The Lost Button.” The story leads to free exploration of buttons, then sorting and classifying and a Guess the Sort game. Students design their own buttons and use a graphing grid to organize data. They also “guesstimate” the number of small plastic frogs in a jar and lima beans in a handful to develop the valuable life skill of estimating. A Frog Pond board game helps students develop strategic-thinking skills. The Hop to the Pond Game focuses on probability and statistics. In the revised guide, all grade levels play the fair version of Hop to the Pond with six frogs. Then grades 1-3 play the unfair version with 12 frogs.

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