Secret Formulas: Cola Taste Test

The next "secret formula" that the kids will be making is a cola. In order to determine what tastes the kids like best, when it comes to colas, we had a blind taste test using Coca-Cola, Pepsi and America's Choice Cola (Super Fresh store brand). The kids were given a cup of each of them; color coded, so I could tell them apart, but they could not. The results were very interesting, and unexpected. Most thought that the one with the orange dot (America's Choice Cola) was sweeter. Everyone thought that the one with the yellow dot (Pepsi) had more bubbles, and everyone also agreed that the orange dot (America's Choice) was more bitter. The opinion on which was more sour, however, was very divergent. Three picked a different one, and one felt they were all equally sour. The orange dot soda (America's Choice Cola) won for the best tasting, with one vote each for the other sodas. When I asked them to guess which soda was which, only two guesses were ventured. One guessed that the orange dot soda was Pepsi, (incorrect) and one voted that the yellow dot soda was Pepsi (correct). Since our family has always been Coca-Cola fans, it was very interesting how this test turned out!

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  • GEMS Guide Secret Formulas    Grades 1–3 Students eagerly investigate the properties of substances as they make their own personal brands of paste, toothpaste, cola, and ice cream. The activities have been designed to convey key science/mathematics skills and concepts, provide motivating real-life experiences with chemistry, and build comprehension of cause and effect, central to later understanding of controlled experimentation. Secret Formulas speaks to the need expressed by many primary school teachers for more high-quality physical science activities.

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