Dipping Candles
We wanted to experience an old fashioned craft this Thanksgiving; something to evoke the image of the struggling Pilgrims and yet be warm and homey at the same time.
First put your wax in a clean empty can. Fill it with candle wax. beeswax or broken crayons. Put the can into a pan filled about 1/2-way with water. Heat it slowly, until the wax melts. While the wax is melting, fill another can or Mason jar with cold water.Tie candle wicking or string on a wooden spoon. Dip string into the melted wax.
Alternate between the can of wax and the jar of cold water. The cold water harden and seals the wax so that you are just not melting the wax off your candle with each dip instead of building up your candle.
We had a rhythm going, since we had two children sharing each set, of 10 seconds and then switch.
Continue until it’s as thick as you like. Allow to cool completely.