November World Nature Walk

November World
A Familiar Spot

There are still some green in the vines, but most of the plants are vivid colors.
In the summer this area is so full of plants, you almost cannot see the fence.

The berry bushes along the fence have all their stems visible.
My daughter gathers the berries in summer and the little ones get the ones she misses and eat them fresh from the vines.

The bursts of color from the trees in fall
replace the color from flowers in the summer.

This is my very favorite tree.
The Sassafras;
partly because of the beautiful colors it changes into
and partly because of the unique feature of sassafras is that the leaves grow in three different forms, or shapes on the same plant: an oval shape, a mitten shaped leaf, and a three-lobed leaf.

I like to walk barefoot, even when it is cold outside.
Many of the leaves have already fallen.
Some are already brown, but some are still colorful.
These leaves are from the kids' favorite tree, the Norway Maple.
They turn yellow in the fall.
They love it because it is the tree they climb and the tree the swing is in during the summer.
It is often the center of their play.

Each leaf,
even after it has fallen to the ground,
is so beautiful,
if you take the time
to really look at it.

Late November,
that transition time between fall and winter.

As night falls,
my photographer son
 takes the camera
as he loves
to take pictures of colorful skies...

Another late November day ends.

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