Civil War Projects

  • Create a museum display on a famous battle. Present information on commanders, geography of the battle, dramatic moments and ultimate results. Use a diorama with small lights to direct the viewer to key points. Create a audio presentation to go with it with era music or dramatic readings.
  • Create a museum display on an important figure of the war.
  • Research a present both Confederate and Union flags showing the development and variety of flags on one or both sides.
  • Research and prepare food and present a display showing a typical meal from the Confederate or Union sides.
  • Research uniforms of both sides and take pictures or make drawings showing the wide variety from one or both sides.
  • Research and create a display on the geography and terrain of the Civil War.
  • Read about weapons and present a display showing the development of weapons during the Civil War.
  • Research camp set up. Build a small diorama of a camp, showing tents, campfires, soldiers and rifle stacks.
  • Research hospitals and their instruments and supplies. Build a display showing pictures, drawings or actual instruments used during the war.
  • Create a display of money used during the Civil War.

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